For most of the year, my go to drink at Starbucks is a Grande White Chocolate Mocha (iced coffee in the summer).  I place my order and, inevitably, the barista asks, “Would you like whipped cream with that?”  Sure, there was a time when I’d say no, or at least I’d pause to think about the additional calories.  Then along came “the cancer” and no pause was needed…”Hell yeah!  I want the whipped cream.”  From now on, I go for it!  I suppose it’s not really a conundrum anymore, but I like the name and I’m sticking with it!

So, a blog…for some reason, after five years of battling cancer I have decided that I want to share my experiences with the “Big C.”  Generally, I’ve been pretty private about it, talking only to my family and close friends about the obstacles I face.  But this time, the third time, is different.  I feel like putting myself out there and seeing what happens.  I’m not sure who’s going to read this, but I’m not sure it matters.  This is something I am doing for myself.

More entries to come…